Divine Mistake

Divine Mistake

   Well I'm far behind in my writing both on my book and on my journals. It's not because there hasn't been anything to write about but because so much of our time has been in traveling. By the time I get home it will be 9 flights, 7 hotels in 17 days. And countless hours in vans along bumpy and winding roads. 

But before I get any further I want to make you aware of some coming dates. 

Nov. 9th is our Annual Gala / Fundraiser held in Newport Beach. 


   The other dates I want to make you aware is my next vision type trip.  Depart LAX March 23 Return April 4th. This trip we will visit our homes, see our projects, build and distribute wheelchairs as well as a bit of sightseeing and shopping. Weather is decent, "usually" not too hot or wet. Let me know if you'd like more details or want to reserve a spot. 


Photo of the drive up to Kon Tum

   Speaking of vision trips, this is exactly what this trip has been. We began in Laos exploring new territory. Went on to Cambodia, saw our vision and dream, as Camella Binkley says; "it's no little thing..." I and Bruce saw its working! We recognized a need for growth, even open a third home for girls and a boys home as well. 


View outside of our hotel in city of Kom Tum


   Having returned to Vietnam we had just a day then off to Kon Tum. Located in the Central Highlands, highly sensitive and has been difficult and took us several years to get permission to go there. 


   I have had Kon Tum on my heart since reading and hearing several accounts that in some Ethnic Minority tribes they practice that if a mother dies while giving birth they bury her infant alive with her... That if a mother dies while breast feeding they bury the child a live with her... I've read several accounts of people walking through cemeteries hearing infants crying, buried.... at this writing I fight back a flood of emotion, from tears to hostile anger....




   I have been assured this is no longer practiced in the cities. That if it does happen it is further into the mountains, 6 or more hours, by motor bike and walking. So my answer to this? SO! If we can save a baby, give another option we will go... where ever whenever! 

   Okay back to our trip. It was a 6 hour windy van ride through some very beautiful countryside. I shot many photos while driving up to Kon Tum. The hotel was surprisingly ok. Food... well ok, not sick lol. We had a meeting set up for us by HANOI Government friends for next morning.




   Coming into the meeting I was happily surprised. There was members from a number of different branches of govt. the meeting was at Dept of Foreign Affairs. I told of the things we do, and we came to hear of the needs they might have. 


   Well surprise, surprise! They had lists of numbers and people's names of their needs They told us of desperate needs for heart and orthopedic surgeries. That there is 200 kids needing bikes to get to school. Kids now having to walk miles back and forth, needs for compassion homes. Oh yes and for 110 wheelchairs.


   The kicker was the vice director of foreign affairs told us he postponed his trip to Laos till after our meeting. I told him we were just there. He smiled and said to please let him know if there's any way to help us in our work in Laos. Kon Tum is bordered by both Cambodia and Laos. 


Water buffalos in road coming back down, many obstacles roads including goats, cows, chickens & pigs LOL 


   As we walked out of the meeting I young lady followed us out. She spoke to us in good English. Thanking us and introducing herself as the Foreign Affairs Assistant. She told us she speaks Laotian fluently and is in daily conversation with the Dept of Foreign Affairs in Laos. And that she would be very happy to help us in any way she can for our work in Laos. Wow? Divine appointment? Hummmm, seems to obvious for coincidence? 


one view of trip home

   On our way home half way back down hill (3 hours) I realized I had forgotten my passport in Kon Tum as well as some money. We had to turn back. I literally belittled myself all the way back to Kon Tum. We decided to spend an extra night there. Yes passport and money were still right where I left them. I couldn't believe I'd made such a rookie mistake. 




   We were to be at Dorothea's Projects Legacy 2 the next day. So after some research Giao our driver found another way down or as the case was through windy rural areas. Well what I thought was beautiful coming up turned into heart stopping beauty on this road. The photos do not do justice. Before I shot photos while moving, we stopped countless times for photo ops on way down.


Notice the road zig and zagging, that's what we came down



   As we literally zig zag our way through and down the mountains I saw things I had not ever seen. Entire villages made up of homes that we would automatically build new ones. In Vietnam I always thought it unique that there is no slum areas. You'd see several nice homes then a very poor home. But here I was seeing entire villages of poor homes.


Saw villages all homes similar to this...



   We saw need after need. Child after child walking to school as the not so poor kids rode their bikes. Hummmm as I reflect back I gotta wonder or maybe just think maybe that mistake was a Divine mistake? We had a plan, but maybe God had another? Lol. 


   Maybe God wanted us to see what we saw to reinforce that gibtk is to expand into more rural areas, maybe there, a child that will be born whose mothers passes and the family will hear of another option... maybe just maybe huh? Yes this trip was to expand our vision. To push into new areas as the doors open. To continue transforming lives!




><((((º>  BBlessed!


Robert Kalatschan
Giving It Back To Kids



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