Are you looking for ways to support GIBTK with donations other than cash? Perhaps you want to donate securities, or include GIBTK in your will or living trust? GIBTK appreciates your willingness to fulfill our mission statement of transforming lives through medical care, education, nutrition, and love. We could not accomplish what we do without you and we thank you for your ongoing support. If this is something you might consider, please consult your financial advisor, cpa or lawyer to get the best advice for your current situation as there are many benefits to setting up ways of planned giving.
• Outright gift of appreciated securities
• Gift of real estate
• Beneficiary designations
• Life insurance designation
• Gift in your will or living trust
• Charitable remainder trust
• Charitable lead trust
For more information, please contact a qualified trust and estate attorney.
Thank you for supporting our projects.
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The general fund allows Giving It Back To Kids to utilize these funds in a way that we see are needed most at the time. Learn More
Tragedy can strike at any time and GIBTK is here to stand in the gap and help hurting families get the relief they need. Learn More
Many children are abducted into human trafficking. GIBTK is there to save these children from this horrible trade. Learn More
According to Wikipedia, Vietnam has the highest abortion rate in southeast Asia and ranks 5th globally. About 70% of abortions in Vietnam are performed on underage women.
Basic medical care is offered at little or no cost. Learn More
The Scholarship Tuition Program provides financial help to cover the costs of tuition and books for qualified needy students living in the community. Learn More
Vera’s home and Marlene's Home has been active in Cambodia since July 2012.
Children use the bicycles go to school, the bikes really help them save time that would be spent walking from place to place. Learn More
Put an effective reflective enhancements on bicycle to save a life.
The Nutrition programs we support look beyond basic food. In the orphanages, emphasis is placed on proper nutrition that will not only sustain the children, but allow them to thrive in good health. Learn More
When helping someone who has spent a good portion of their lives crawling on the ground, get onto their wheelchair for the first time, it's an amazing experience. Learn More
In the towns, families are taught to sustain themselves, similar to the "teach a man to fish" philosophy. The "Cow Project," for example teaches a family to share the wealth (by giving away a Calf) and sustain their family. Learn More
The orthopedic program has provided life-changing surgeries and treatments for underprivileged children with mobility disabilities.
Water pollution is one of the biggest problems in Vietnam. In rural and mountainous areas, waste is not treated and can infiltrate the soil, causing serious environmental pollution.
Got a car just sitting in your driveway or garage, and having no clue what to do with it?
The Mental Health Program has been implemented to help kids in GIBTK homes and the surrounding communities work through mental health struggles.
A Mother’s Love is an outreach program designed to provide care for young and/or unwed mothers in Da Nang.
Giving it Back to Kids seeks out extremely impoverished families living in untenable conditions.
Laurie’s Scholars provides scholarships for wheelchair users who have a desire to study at the university or college level or attend vocational training.
Mary's Home was the creation of Jen Flynn, an American volunteer who lived in Vietnam from 2008 to 2010. Jen wanted to provide a safe place for disadvantaged children where they would be taken care of and receive an education.
GIBTK launched the Advanced English program in 2017 aimed at furthering the development of English language skills for poor college students in Da Nang.
Dorothea's Project Legacy is a community program developed in memory of GIBTK president Robert Kalatschan’s late wife,
Dorothea’s Project Legacy’s aim is to provide expectant mothers with acquiring knowledge on emotional health and medical care during and after pregnancy, up until the baby reaches one year old.
Carmela Houlihan was the mother of Dorothea Kalatschan, the late wife of GIBTK president, Robert Kalatschan.
The degrees being pursued by the current young women at Lighthouse include teaching, business, IT, foreign language, and accounting.
This program is designed for young men who are over 18 years old.
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