They Are Transformed!

They Are Transformed!

It is always so difficult for me to decide which stories to share when I am visiting VN.  My heart is so filled with love and happiness each day, at each encounter and stop we make.  There is so much emotion that words do not adequately describe what I am feeling or experiencing with every visit when I return.  I think the feelings are especially raw this year as it has been so long since I have been able to be here.  



So, I have decided to share what I have experienced in just a small part of one day.  On this day we started with a visit to The Father’s House, our home for unwed moms and their babies.  It is here that young girls who would like the opportunity to have their baby and raise them on their own, are given the ability to make that happen.   Normally if they find themselves unmarried and pregnant, they can no longer live with their family or even in their village.  Their choices are very limited.  



If they choose to come to The Father’s House all their physical and medical needs are taken care of.  They will finish their education, starting with high school or university depending on their unique situation.  Some will take advanced lessons in trade schools or training to help them become self-sufficient. When their child is born, they will stay home with them the first months and then continue finishing their education.  During the day the babies are then cared for by the housemothers and the other mothers, according to their study or work schedules.  



There are so many success stories from TFH.  Over 90 moms and their babies have lived here.  One young mom graduated top of her class in accounting and continued on to earn her master’s degree.  She obtained a very good job and was able to support herself and her son with financial security and dignity.



Another mom who is very special to me has lived at TFH almost 6 years.  She was a very young girl in high school when I met her and now is finishing her third year at university, with excellent English and studying to be a translator. Her son is happy, healthy, and smart.  When visiting with them her son wrote out my name in cursive and spoke to me in English.  They will have a bright future together.



There was water play with several of the younger children, singing, smiles and laughter, theirs, and mine!  Then it was my turn to hold the newest two-month-old in my arms.  I don’t need to tell you how that feels. The Father’s House gives hope and opportunity to those who felt they had none. This was just the morning of one day.



I will skip to the evening, when all the kids from all the homes gathered to share pizza and ice cream, fun and games, singing and dance performances, hugs, and laughter.  There were games of musical chairs, a hopscotch with bamboo poles with adults and children of all ages. 





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