The story of Marlene and Vera’s home

The story of Marlene and Vera’s home

Today's journal is written by Camella and Bruce Binkley, a long - time friend of GIBTK.

As we come to the end of this trip the theme for us seems to be stories. It would take pages to tell the stories of Marlene and Vera’s Home in Battambang, Cambodia. They would all have a common theme - transformation. From the transforming of a young girl named Leakhena (who was one of our first to live at the home) to now being the Home Leader - a young woman of vision, compassion,and a hunger to change Cambodia.

To Anou - who was also part of our first group of girls…she graduated from university, became a teacher, is now married with a 3 year old son (who already speaks English) and now teaches English to children. Anou is transforming her community in Siem Reap, Cambodia.

The story of how the young women in the homes moved forward during the adversity of a pandemic is astonishing! Their commitment to study, exercise, worship and practice their emotional health skills (along with taking a break from social media) transformed their lives - they are excelling at English, there is peace & joy in the home, and their emotional health is sound.

So many stories - because each of these young ladies has a story of transformation…from the threat of human trafficking to a safe home where their lives can be transformed. That was the dream when GIBTK saw the need in Cambodia. We have been honored that the homes carry our mothers’ names - women who had big hearts to help girls. It seems very appropriate that we are approaching the anniversary of both going to their eternal home. It is utter joy to know that the homes that carry their names are a place of transformation for young ladies. Your support for these homes will transform lives.

There are two opportunities to be involved with Marlene & Vera’s Homes in Cambodia. One is GIBTK’s Friendship program where you make a commitment to write on a monthly basis to one of the young ladies and she will write to you. What an easy way at no cost to be part of a story!

We have had 9 girls graduate from University in the last 10 years. Currently we have 15 in University in Cambodia! Exponential growth.

As you can imagine, University fees are a great need. Sponsorships are needed to transform these lives. I can promise you that your financial help would be a worthy investment.  You can be a part of their story. Just reach out to GIBTK for details.

Thankful for your partnership in transforming lives,

Camella & Bruce Binkley

"We highly appreciate you and thank you for transforming lives"



Camella and Bruce Binkley

Robert Kalatschan

Giving it Back to Kids

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