Do you remember me? Katies note

Do you remember me? Katies note
Today's note is from Katie. Her mom was a founding board member of GIBTK. And just recently came back on the board. Katie is... well I guess you'd need to meet her to really understand. She was a total joy on the trip! 
  Before I get to the journal, in case you have not received your Save the Date card for our Annual Gala please mark on your calendars Nov. 3rd. It will once again be held at The HarborSide Restaurant in Newport Beach. Hope to see you there! Here's Katie's note. 
   "As many of you may already know, Robert Kalatschan is full of "bumper sticker "phrases, inspiring insight, and unforgettable stories-I've been lucky to have been touched by so many of them thus far. After fulfilling my duties of keeping Robert quite occupied with silly antics this trip he joked that karma would soon be coming my way. "God will do for you what you cannot do for yourself." 
   It was in that moment I remembered exactly why I was called to come back to Vietnam for my third time. It wasn't just simply because I love to travel or because I love seeing the kids, but for a more selfish reason, it is the place that simply completes ME. 
   I have never felt so drawn to people like I do here. I've never felt such anticipation to visit people until I not only felt the kids overwhelming appreciation for someone coming to visit and love on them or their desire to welcome strangers with such excitement until I met so many kids and families while in Vietnam.
   I will always find it astonishing how much love these kids generously give all of the guests after all they've been through, how trusting they have to be to jump into our arms, and how inclusive they are with everyone. Even with all of the visitors that come by they still eagerly asked if I remembered them and to say that makes my heart full would be an understatement. 
   I'm overwhelmed with joy and appreciation for all of the things these kids remind me to be grateful and humble for. Each time I visit I'm reminded of the incredible blessing God has gifted me that I would've never been able to achieve on my own.
Robert Kalatschan
Giving It Back To Kids

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