Guided by Faith, Fueled by Love - Today's journal from SreyToch

Guided by Faith, Fueled by Love - Today's journal from SreyToch

Guided by Faith, Fueled by Love

Today's journal from SreyToch


My name is Srey Toch, a home leader at Marlene and Vera’s home. Growing up, I witnessed many children and others struggle with limited educational opportunities in my village, and so did I. They had to leave school early to work and earn a living. Many of them quit school and went to work in Thailand. I wish those girls and boys had received a chance to go back to school. Sadly, they didn’t.


Toch had the opportunity to live in GIBTK's Homes and was transformed

I’m one of the blessed girls who got the opportunity to live at GIBTK. It has been my beautiful second home and workplace for more than six years. Being a home leader has been vastly different from what I experienced as a girl. I have recognized the strong effort put in by the leaders and housemothers behind our achievements. They wholeheartedly dedicated themselves to making our home warm and safe.


Integrated with her sisters in essential life skills classes

At first, I found it really tough to balance my work, handling many issues, and dealing with the girls’ challenges and behaviors as a home leader. It was hard to keep them motivated to go to school since they had grown up with little vision for long-term investment in education. I questioned God’s decision to put me in this position. I doubted my ability to excel in this job.


Confidently teaching the girls

Despite the challenges and doubts, I continued my work and trusted in God. I prayed for wisdom to handle every situation and asked for support from leaders and mentors. I learned that our girls needed constant support, genuine love, and guidance, just as I did when I was one of the girls. I knew it would take patience to help them build resilient lives.


Working at GIBTK is God’s calling, even in the midst of trials. Yet, the more I worked at GIBTK, the more I saw His plan. The more I found myself in tough circumstances, the more I bounced back by looking up to Him. The more I grew in wisdom, the more I gave wholeheartedly, and the more my passion and desires were fulfilled. Through His guiding hand, my past wounds have been healed, transforming me into a vessel of healing for others.


She feels blessed to work here

I started understanding why God let me go through those difficulties in life, and I began seeing His love through the work of His people in this organization. I remember a time when we had leaders and guests visiting our home. I kept looking at them, thinking about what they’ve sacrificed to transform many lives.


?Tears fell down my cheeks, and I knew it could only be the love of Jesus Christ that made it possible. Your presence moves the love of Jesus within me, and that love touches every life when you are with us. I am so touched by your presence during every trip. I look forward to seeing you again, along with more of our guests, visiting our home. Your presence is beyond what you could imagine—it changes many lives, including mine.


Always supported by leaders to successfully fulfill her mission

All glory to God. I am so grateful to GIBTK and all the donors for the incredible work you’ve done. Your presence and commitment have made a huge difference in countless lives. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. God bless you all.


"We highly appreciate you and thank you for transforming lives"

Robert Kalatschan

Giving it Back to Kids

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