GIBTK, We love you! Today's journal entry from our great friend and generous donor - Sean Kappauf

GIBTK, We love you! Today's journal entry from our great friend and generous donor - Sean Kappauf





GIBTK, We love you!

Today's journal entry from our great friend and generous donor - Sean Kappauf

Hey everyone, Sean Kappauf here! Wanted to briefly share with you our time in Vietnam has been nothing short of transformative. Working closely with our partners, Giving It Back To Kids, we have seen the impact of bringing clean water to communities across the country.




Sean's family and the water filter program director, To


?Over the last two months, my family has had the privilege of traveling throughout Vietnam, witnessing the profound difference that access to clean water makes in the lives of families and entire communities.




About 430 households gained access to clean water during this trip


To, who leads the One ATTA Time clean water initiatives here, has been truly remarkable in his role. His passion, dedication, and leadership have been crucial in making the water filter distributions effective and sustainable. Whether it’s assembling, distributing, or following up to ensure proper use of the water filters, To has demonstrated a tireless commitment to ensuring that families have access to safe, clean water.




To - a man who is incredibly dedicated to this mission


His ability to navigate local government certifications, connect with communities, and effectively communicate the im?portance of these filters is not only inspiring but essential to the success of our mission. He has a deep understanding of the challenges faced by the communities we serve, and his heart for service drives him to go above and beyond in leading this important work. But most importantly, he doesn’t do this out of duty but rather love. Which is beautiful to witness in person.




Our family was happy to meet the households using the water filters directly


We made a decision at the beginning of this year that we wanted our children to experience the work we do. So we’ve been over here in Vietnam for 2 moths. Our children have been learning first-hand what it means to serve others, to live with purpose, and to understand the value of clean water—something often taken for granted.




Sean's two children on this meaningful trip


They have met children their age who face daily struggles just to access water that won’t make them sick, and these interactions have sparked empathy, understanding, and a greater sense of global citizenship within them. It's been an incredible experience, especially for our kids, to see the smiles, gratitude, and hope that come from something as simple yet essential as clean water.




Sean's wife (Kelsey) was delighted to meet heart patients


I cannot express enough gratitude for the incredible staff of Giving It Back To Kids. They have not only been excellent partners in our mission to provide people access to clean water, but they have also become like family to us.


?Their warmth, hospitality, and support have made our time in Vietnam seamless and unforgettable. From organizing filter distributions to welcoming us into their communities/homes, they have shown us love and kindness through and through. I feel honored to work alongside them and are deeply moved by their commitment to transforming lives through access to clean water.




A great team from GIBTK in Vietnam and Cambodia


This experience has reinforced our belief in the power of partnerships like the one we have with Giving It Back To Kids. Seeing the work up close—the families receiving filters, the gratitude in their eyes, and the excellence in leadership that To and his team from GIBTK at each distribution—has been life-changing for my family.




Tears of hope from Sean during the trip


We are leaving with full hearts, knowing that our collective work is making a tangible difference, and we are filled with gratitude for all that we have experienced and learned from the Vietnamese people and the GIBTK staff.




Loving hugs from Kelsey


Our hearts are overflowing with love for this beautiful country, the people we’ve met, and our partners who tirelessly work alongside us. We are excited about what lies ahead for One ATTA Time in Vietnam, knowing that with leaders like To and organizations like Giving It Back To Kids, the future is bright for those who need clean water.




Outdoor activities help strengthen the brotherhood


Thank you, Vietnam, for welcoming us and allowing us to be a small part of your journey toward a healthier, more sustainable future. ?

Amazing good job!




Sean taught hundreds of university students




"We highly appreciate you and thank you for transforming lives"


Robert Kalatschan

Giving it Back to Kids




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