King & Country Cambodia (Part 1)

King & Country Cambodia (Part 1)

King & Country Cambodia (Part 1)

Today's Journal is from a great man - Paul Buchanan


Norodom Sihamoni is not a familiar name to most Westerners. However, if you lived in the lush, tropic and scenic country of Cambodia, you most surely would know this name. In Cambodia, Norodom Sihamoni holds a position equally as important as if I had mentioned the name, Joe Biden or Donald Trump. But there’s a distinct difference because he holds a title that goes back thousands of years…the title of “KING”!!

The girls we are always proud of from Vera and Marlene's Homes.

Marlene and Vera’s Houses are an extension of Giving It Back To Kids powered by the vision of Bruce and Camella Binkley. These homes are an essential Lighthouse of Hope, for the young men and women of Cambodia, in combating, poverty, safety, nutrition, education, while providing a godly foundation.


Meaningful talks and training sessions with everyone here

Upon arrival to the house, I was greeted as if I was a Head of State with beautiful signs, smiles, laughter and screams that would make the King of England, or any rock ‘n’ roll band, jealous. The excitement is authentic and genuine overwhelming my senses as these precious girls swarm me with hugs and cards (THIS IS A TASTE OF HEAVEN). I ride this wave of adrenaline and heaven-sent joy as the girls usher me into the house. 

Meaningful hugs

I was originally introduced to this “pocket of heaven” on an earlier trip, in 2023, with Bruce and Camella. During that trip, I was excited to see the newest of the GIBTKs houses that Robert, Tam and the team had worked so diligently to fund and finally get opened. I had no idea that my heart and soul would be expanded and captured by these courageous young ladies.


?Hearing their stories, their dreams, their aspirations filled me as much as it appeared to fill them. The home is a breeding ground of encouragement and possibilities that come to reality with the guidance of the Giving It Back To Kids team.

High five time!!

On that trip, Bruce and Camella each shared and taught the young ladies while the girls hung onto every word with full focus and attention. I, too, wanted to deposit hope and encouragement to these extraordinary young ladies who had been through, and seen, things that I couldn’t even imagine. But I hadn’t come prepared with the thought of speaking to young ladies. I had never done such a thing.

Paul and Bruce & Camella

The ages of the girls ranged from 12 years old to the early 20s. What could I say to these ladies? As I thought about what to share, the only thing on my mind was a song that my daughter, Blaise, who was in their age bracket, had introduced to me just months earlier.- Stay tuned for the upcoming journal part 2 to see the impact that Paul experienced.

GIBTK is very pleased to help children in difficult circumstances as part of its mission. Become an important part of our work by contacting us at or visiting our website:

"We highly appreciate you and thank you for transforming lives"

Robert Kalatschan

Giving it Back to Kids

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