New Home, New Hope

New Home, New Hope

Today's journal is from our President, Robert Kalatschan


By the time you read this I “should” be home, baring delays and cancelations. This trip has been full of meetings and talks. Which seems to be more and more the norm for my position as GIBTK continues to grow and mature.

My trip to visit Our Homes in Cambodia

The stand out was my trip to Cambodia. Truly unique and memorable in so many ways. The love I feel seems different somehow. Kids in all our homes show exceptional love, honor and care.


Yet Cambodia homes…. Maybe its where these kids come from, their lives prior to GIBTK… Yup those who know me know I’m tearing up just the thoughts of what I know so many have experienced. And I know there is SO MUCH I don’t know. 

Sharing valuable lessons to the kids here

Recently we began a boy’s home for high risk and for trafficked boys / young men. Stats tell us the about 50% of kids trafficked are boys!!! When I asked a leader of a large organization why we don’t hear about boys. 


His answer… because they don’t lose their virginity… Need I say any more on that comment or enough said…We also have learned there are no long-term homes for boys who are trafficked or high risk.

This building serves as the environment for the upbringing of male children

Yup typing I’ve gone from emotional happy tears to anger! How can it be! Well, GIBTK has stepped up. 

Our first three newly fostered young men will thrive (in between the photo)

Together we will do whatever it takes! We have stepped up!!! We have our first 3 young men (they have stories that would break your heart.) we are beginning slow to get our feet planted but you know me LOL…. Slow?

These 2 children will be raised at the Home next week

We should be receiving 2 more in the next week from the slums of Poipet which is known as a funnel for trafficking into Thailand! I’m learning many of the kids trafficked are using drugs and most often glue…

There are also potential inherent “issues” with traumatized boys. I guess I really don’t know a lot about girls, but seems to me boys more likely to “act out.” Potential issues? Sure, yet that will not stop us from taking a step of significance! 

I spent some time-sharing details of my youth, my addictions, and issues. Hoping to give hope! Also shared how safety is vital in our home! 


Still seeking a good name for our home. I’m leaning to calling it, “Crossing” not intended after my church home. But crossing from victim to victor! From youth to manhood. 


Please read my next journal. Powerful day of release!!!!

"We highly appreciate you and thank you for transforming lives"

Robert Kalatschan

Giving it Back to Kids that

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