Father’s House Love

Father’s House Love

The look on the young girl’s shell-shocked face spoke volumes—disbelief, fear, uncertainty.  Disbelief at how her world had turned upside down after she found out that she was pregnant at 15 years old.  Fear for her future and that of her developing baby, having been given up by her father and sent among strangers far away from home.  Uncertainty about how she would be able to manage taking care of herself and her baby.  And yet, in seeing the look of happiness, of security and of belonging in the faces of the other young mothers sitting around her, I knew that this young mother-to-be had found a home and that her future was bright. 



We are all sitting in a circle on the floor of The Father’s House, learning about the support that Giving It Back To Kids (GIBTK) gives to single teenage mothers and their babies.  In everything that GIBTK does, the vision of its founder, Robert Kalatschan, shines through: “We build long-term relationships.”  We learn that the young mothers of The Father’s House will be supported not only before and after they give birth, but also throughout their education and until they gain stable employment.  GIBTK provides career counseling and commits to support each mother’s career decision with the needed education—whether that means technical school, university, or beyond.  The mothers will receive whatever else is needed, including financial, childcare, and emotional support, for them to reach their dreams.  Most importantly, GIBTK provides a loving community—a true family—for the young mothers and their children; a loving and supportive environment that any family would want for their daughter.



The love and support of GIBTK can be seen in the caring faces of The Father’s House staff and heard in their voices, as they describe the help they provide and the impact that it has on the lives of the young mothers who come through the program.  “We transform lives,” says Tam Tong, Vice President of GIBTK.  The staff’s belief in their work and how they are valued at GIBTK is evident in how long they have been with the organization—7, 10 as much as 20 years. Their love, dedication and commitment could be sensed all around the room-- in the excited laughter of the young children as they played, in the smiles of the newborn babies cradled in loving arms, and in the contented faces of the young mothers.



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