A chance to live in freedom

A chance to live in freedom

I couldn't believe I had the chance to visit Battambang, Cambodia, where GIBTK has been carrying out extremely significant projects — giving wings to the ambitions of many impoverished girls a poor province of Cambodia. When I first arrived at Vera and Marlene’s Home, the girls gave me a very emotional greeting, they sang songs of gratitude and gave me plenty of heartfelt hugs.

It was even more lovely to hear the stories of some of the girls. Khuneang, an extraordinary young girl who was born and raised in a rural region near the Thailand border — Poipet, a hotspot for human trafficking. 

When I asked, “when you were a kid, what did you want the most?” without hesitation her eyes lifted up, she replied “freedom”. 

This is by far, the most touching response I've ever received, and it completely broke my heart. Her response demonstrated just how challenging her childhood was. Fortunately, GIBTK has been able to help those in need like Khuneang out of challenging childhood situations. 

I was very surprised at the lack of security at the border to Thailand. The village of Poipet homes many impoverished residents who lack food, clean water, and access to education. 

Even though I could see children's smiles as they played and interacted with us, I was certain that these are temporary smiles as I can’t see how these children could have a  good future in this town. Seeing how easy it is to fall into human trafficking, I pictured how the majority of the kids here have been trafficked to Thailand in order to support their families. 
Through the work we provide, I know children in this community will have a bright future.
I thank God for allowing Giving it Back to Kids the chance to accomplish such wonderful things — giving the most underprivileged kids in the world the chance to realize their a

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