Next Step Home 4 10 14

We flew to Phnom Penh, Cambodia to try and get a final letter to formally apply for our license to work in Cambodia. Appointments set and paperwork ready... More

Death by meetings? 4-9-14

Death by meeting? Is that possible? I am sure that often plans are over discussed and yes even over prayed. Many a vision can and has died. Too often the... More

My Turn!!! Could it be simple as...? 4-8-14

Could it be so simple? This thought has been going through my mind for some time but this trip it has gotten "louder", if I may use the term... More

Phineaths 1st 4-7-14

May I introduce one of our newer team members. Miss Phineath, she oversees our homes in Battambang, Cambodia. She is 23, I share her age only because in many of these photos she looks younger then... More

Linda is Back  4 3 14

It has been an extraordinary and great trip on many levels. But none more so then what the ladies team has begun with our homes in SE Asia. Todays journal is from Linda Shaul. Linda came to us by... More

Are we making a difference? Camella and Tams notes

Are we REALLY making a difference? (written by Camella Binkley)   I truly have lost count of how many trips I have made with GIBTK, but there have been many. Each trip impactful and heart... More

3-31-14 Teams working together

Todays notes are from Kathie and Honey, please take time to read and perhaps wonder if indeed it is time for you to come be God's hands and feet in... More

FORTY-SIX!!!! 3-28-14

FORTY-SIX babies! Amazing is so small of a word to describe this reality! 46!!!   Alive, born and have hope of a future! Wow! YEAH... More

3-27-14 Do? or Being? ; and special journal from Marina!

The ladies are having an incredible time. Today a short but poignant note from Kathie Mitchie and an incredible word from long time friend Marina Vario;    "Do or being?" by... More

3 25 14 Pandemonium

When Kristina and I visited Vietnam last summer, Robert and Tommy were in China and they met up with us in Cambodia. We were on our own during... More